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Stunt Poll
Which Stunt Should We Do Next?

1) Do Trampoline Sessions:Which is where we fight on the ground, roof, and the trampoline with everything around us as weapons.

2) Do Sleep Shop Truck Stunt.(There are people in the back of a truck and the driver goes fast, then slams on the brakes and we go flying)

3) Do Slide Boarding( Where we go to the fair on the big green slide and slide down it on skateboards.)

4) Do City Bank Garage Stunt: Two people are on the second level of our local back garage and one person is on the ground right below them talking to a nearby pedestrian and then the two people above him throw the barrel onto his head while he is talking to the pedestrian.

5)City Bank 500: 4 people or however many are there get on little tricycles or littles cars and fly down the bank doing whatever it takes to win

6)Trampoline Long Jump:(We set up a dumpster on the ground close to the tramp and then we get lots of bounce and try to clear it by jumping over it. Then we start movine it back as we get better.)

7)Riverfest Skit: go to riverfest and fall down stairs then go to consession stand and hit head on table.

Please E-mail us at d_of_k@hotmail.com and tell us what you think.




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